Saturday, June 29, 2013

Superman is a NERD!

Even Superman can have an awkward moment, but this one almost cost him his own career - of actually being Superman.

2013's summer hit - Man of Steel - which reboots the Superman saga, almost lost its main star - Henry Cavill, whom by the way gives an amazing performance and is just believable playing the ‘father’ of superheroes. But, when Zack Snyder was calling him to confirm him for the role, Henry was kind of busy…

Well, the point is that this game is played online but live, and there is no save button or pause, and in addition you are not playing alone but with few others. It is considered very rude to leave a game in progress, so Henry just missed the call. When he tried to call back, there was no one answering. Thankfully, he was reached by Zack Snyder again to confirm becoming the ‘man of steel’.

For full video of the interview from NBC's The Tonight Show with Jay Leno click here.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

WoW - will there ever be a movie?!

World of Warcraft, massively multiplayer online role playing game that captured the hearts of literally millions (20 million daily players world wide in its glory days) of people world wide, whom daily log in to an virtual world named Warcraft and fight through their avatars against or with each other. World of Warcraft was first released in November 2004 and today, after 4 expansions (The Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria) this game still remains 8.7 million daily subscribers. The strength of this game lies in its compelling and hugely complex storyline and the amazing ability to create stunning game cinematics.

Yet, Blizzard, the company behind this game and creators of more amazing franchises such as: Diablo and Starcraft announced that the number of subscribers dropped in the first quarter of 2013 by 14%. It is just about time to create a movie from this amazing game. Planning started already few years ago, however directors are tossing World of Warcraft movie like a hot potato. After Peter Jackson and Sam Raimi decided to drop from the movie, recent information say that the director whom is also David Bowie's son - Duncan Jones is going to direct the World of Warcraft movie. His previous movies were 'Moon' and 'Source Code'. 

It is about time to start shooting so the actual players of the game would still be alive. Legendary Pictures producer Charles Roven confirmed for SlashFilm that they are ready: "First quarter 2014 we are going to shoot that movie." Release date is planned for 2015. Crossed fingers!!!